Pākehā 2011

Portrait of John Rutherford with white Huia leaving NZ
Between the devil & the deep
Walter Buller struggles with attacking birds, painting by Liam Barr
Buller's Birds 
prostitute from Kororareka with Huia fan and rifles, painting by Liam Barr
Mistress Molly
Painting of Girl and boy horsing around with a theme of control by Liam Barr
Aurora's Figaro
Deprived of its medium, sound cannot travel, hence, quiet subjugation prevails.
Bell Jar
Woman smokes pipe with emperor penguin painting from Liam Barr
Woman astride a rockinghorse lament the loss of her youth, painting by Liam Barr
Land of little luxury
boy and girl having a picnic on the Wellington hill in 1840 awaitng their block to become available
Promise & Prayer
Crippled boy sits on wheelchair with two headed Huia by Liam Barr
.22 Calibre Historian
Kimble Bent holds sword and patu lamenting the loss of his whanau by Liam barr
Woman with gun and fennec fox painting from Liam Barr
Castaway skipper drinks with kea on his arm by Liam barr
No Man's Land